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Ludo STAR: Chat, Send Emojis, and Collect Lucky Dice in this Fun Game

Ludo APK Star: A Classic Board Game with a Modern Twist

Ludo is one of the most enjoyable and family-friendly games that has been played for centuries. It is a game of strategy and luck that can be played by anyone, anywhere. But did you know that you can also play Ludo online with your friends and family? That's right, with Ludo APK Star, you can enjoy this classic board game on your smartphone or tablet anytime, anywhere.

ludo apk star

Ludo APK Star is an amazing online game that lets you play Ludo with up to four players in real-time. You can choose from different variations, such as Classic, Master, or Quick. You can also chat and send emojis and gifts to other players while you play. You can even collect amazing dice and cards to enhance your gameplay.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Ludo APK Star. We will explain what it is, how to play it, why you should play it, and some tips and tricks to win it. So, if you are ready to join the Ludo club, read on!

What is Ludo APK Star?

Ludo APK Star is an online version of the classic board game Ludo. Ludo is derived from the Indian game Pachisi, which was created in the sixth century CE. The game was popularized by the Mughal emperors of India, such as Akbar. The British Empire patented it as "Ludo" in England in 1896.

Ludo is a cross and circle game that involves four players racing their four tokens from start to finish according to the rolls of a single die. The game has four colors: red, blue, green, and yellow. Each player has a home column in their color where they start and end their tokens.

Ludo APK Star is a modern adaptation of this ancient game that allows you to play online with other players from around the world. You can download it for free from . The game is developed by Gameberry Labs, a leading gaming company based in India.

How to Play L How to Play Ludo APK Star?

Playing Ludo APK Star is very easy and fun. All you need is a stable internet connection and a compatible device. Here are the steps to play Ludo APK Star:

  • Download and install Ludo APK Star from .

  • Open the app and sign in with your Facebook account or as a guest.

  • Select the game mode you want to play: Classic, Master, or Quick.

  • Invite your friends to join you or play with random players from around the world.

  • Select the color of your tokens and start the game.

The game follows the same rules as the traditional Ludo game, with some variations depending on the game mode. Here are the basic rules of Ludo APK Star:

Setup and First Turns

The game board consists of a square with a cross-shaped track, with four colored corners. Each corner has four tokens of the same color: red, blue, green, or yellow. The tokens start in their home column and move along the track in a clockwise direction.

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To start the game, each player rolls the die once. The player with the highest roll goes first, followed by the others in a clockwise order. If two or more players roll the same number, they roll again until they get different numbers.

To enter a token into play from its home column to its starting square, a player must roll a six. If the player has no tokens in play and rolls something other than a six, they pass their turn to the next player. If the player has one or more tokens in play and rolls something other than a six, they can move one of their tokens by that number of squares along the track.


The objective of the game is to move all four tokens around the board and into their home column. The first player to do so wins the game.

A player can move their token by the number shown on the die. The tokens move clockwise along the track until they reach their color's home column, where they turn right and move towards the center of the board.

A player can cut an opponent's token by landing on the same square as them, except for their starting and home squares. The cut token is sent back to its home column and must start again by rolling a six.

A player can form a block by placing two or more of their tokens on the same square. A block cannot be cut by any opponent, and no other token can move past it. The block can be moved as a single unit by rolling a double (two dice showing the same number).


To win the game, a player must move all four of their tokens into their home column before anyone else. To do so, they must roll the exact number required to reach their home square. For example, if a token is three squares away from its home square, the player must roll a three to move it there.

If a player rolls more than what is required, they must pass their turn or move another token if possible. If a player rolls a six, they get another turn. If they roll three sixes in a row, their turn is skipped and their token is moved back to its starting square.

The winner of the game gets coins and gems as rewards. They can use these to buy new dice and cards that have special effects on the game. For example, some dice can give extra moves or block opponents' moves. Some cards can swap positions with other players or teleport to any square on the board. Why Play Ludo APK Star?

Ludo APK Star is not only a fun and entertaining game, but also a game that can benefit you in many ways. Here are some of the reasons why you should play Ludo APK Star:

Develop Brain Function

Ludo is a game that requires strategic thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. Playing Ludo can stimulate your brain and improve your mental abilities. It can also enhance your memory, concentration, and attention span. Studies have shown that playing board games like Ludo can prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

Give Pleasure and Relieve Stress

Ludo is a game that can make you happy and relaxed. Playing Ludo can release endorphins, the hormones that make you feel good. It can also lower your blood pressure and cortisol levels, the hormones that cause stress. Playing Ludo can help you cope with anxiety, depression, and boredom.

Strengthen Social Bonds

Ludo is a game that can bring you closer to your friends and family. Playing Ludo can foster communication, cooperation, and friendship. It can also teach you values such as respect, honesty, and sportsmanship. Playing Ludo can help you socialize and have fun with others.

Tips and Tricks to Win Ludo APK Star

Ludo APK Star is a game that involves both luck and skill. While you cannot control the outcome of the dice, you can use some tips and tricks to improve your chances of winning. Here are some of them:

Strategize Your Moves

Ludo is a game that requires planning ahead and predicting your opponent's moves. You should always have a backup plan in case your token gets cut or blocked. You should also try to use the shortcuts and safe zones on the board to your advantage. You should also avoid moving all your tokens at once, as this can make you vulnerable to being cut by multiple opponents.

Do Not Slack

Ludo is a game that requires alertness and focus throughout the game. You should always pay attention to the board and the dice. You should also keep track of your opponent's tokens and their positions. You should also avoid getting distracted or bored by the game, as this can make you lose your concentration and make mistakes.

Safeguard Your Best Man

Ludo is a game that requires protecting your most advanced token from being cut by your opponents. You should always try to keep your best man in a safe zone or behind a block. You should also try to move it as fast as possible towards the finish line. You should also avoid risking it by moving it to an unsafe square or by rolling a high number when it is close to the finish.


Ludo APK Star is an awesome online game that lets you play Ludo with your friends and family anytime, anywhere. It is a game of strategy and luck that can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of age or skill level. It is also a game that can benefit you in many ways, such as developing your brain function, giving you pleasure and relieving stress, and strengthening your social bonds.

If you are looking for a fun and easy way to spend some quality time with your loved ones, Ludo APK Star is the perfect choice for you. Download it today from and join the Ludo club!


  • Q: How do I download Ludo APK Star?

  • A: You can download Ludo APK Star from . Just follow the instructions on the website or app store and install it on your device.

  • Q: How do I invite my friends to play Ludo APK Star?

  • A: You can invite your friends to play Ludo APK Star by tapping on the "Invite" button on the main screen of the app. You can then choose from different options, such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, SMS, or QR code.

  • Q: How do I buy new dice and cards in Ludo APK Star?

  • A: You can buy new dice and cards in Ludo APK Star by tapping on the "Shop" button on the main screen of the app. You can then use your coins and gems to purchase different items that have special effects on the game.

  • Q: How do I chat and send emojis and gifts in Ludo APK Star?A: You can chat and send emojis and gifts in Ludo APK Star by tapping on the "Chat" button on the bottom right corner of the game screen. You can then type your message or choose from different emojis and gifts to send to other players.

  • Q: How do I contact the support team of Ludo APK Star?

  • A: You can contact the support team of Ludo APK Star by tapping on the "Settings" button on the main screen of the app. You can then tap on the "Help" button and fill out the form with your query or feedback. You can also email them at .


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